Merrill Lynch & Co. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL Executed Terms: April 26, 2004 Structure: 10 Year Inflation-Linked Notes & Swap to 1M LIBOR Marketing Period: April 21, 2004 - April 30, 2004 Effective Date: May 5, 2004 Maturity Date: May 5, 2014 Principal Amount: $43,000,000 Form of Note: Global MTN CUSIP: 5901M0EE5 Inflation-Linked Note Details Reference Index ("CPI"): US City Average Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and available on Bloomberg CPURNSA or any successor service. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Index Level : [CPI(t) - CPI(t-12)]/CPI(t-12), where: CPI(t) is the CPI for the third calendar month prior to such Reset Date as published and reported in the second calendar month prior to such Reset Date. CPI(t-12) is the CPI reported twelve calendar months prior to CPI(t). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coupon: CPI + 2.05% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum Coupon: 0.000% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coupon Payment Dates: Monthly on the 5th day of each month, subject to no adjustment in accordance with the Following Business Day convention ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Coupon Payment Date: June 5, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Coupon: 3.74%(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Index Reset Date: Monthly on the 5th of each month, with an initial Reset Observation Date of March 1, 2004. If any Interest Reset Date is not a Business Day, the applicable Interest Reset Date will be postponed to the next succeeding day that is a Business Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denominations: Minimum of $1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Count: ACT/ACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form of Note: Book entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Day Convention: New York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underwriting Fees: 1.250% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net Proceeds: $42,462,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survivor's Option: Not Applicable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculation Agent: MLCS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The coupon to be paid on June 1, 2004 will be determined by reference to the February 2004 and February 2003 Reference Index as: (186.2 - 183.1)/183.1 = 1.69% Merrill Lynch & Co. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is for your private information and is for discussion purposes only. 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