Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Fair Value Measurements (Tables)

Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2021
Fair Value Disclosures [Abstract]  
Assets and Liabilities Carried at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis Assets and liabilities carried at fair value on a recurring basis at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, including financial instruments that the Corporation accounts for under the fair value option, are summarized in the following tables.
September 30, 2021
  Fair Value Measurements
(Dollars in millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Netting Adjustments (1)
Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments
$ 336  $   $   $   $ 336 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
  154,137      154,137 
Trading account assets:          
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 46,195  668      46,863 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other   36,895  1,634    38,529 
Equity securities 96,266  39,577  209    136,052 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 9,763  23,176  399    33,338 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed   21,825  84    21,909 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS   10,385  1,490    11,875 
Total trading account assets (2)
152,224  132,526  3,816    288,566 
Derivative assets 17,376  330,477  3,827  (310,851) 40,829 
AFS debt securities:          
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 168,030  1,095      169,125 
Mortgage-backed securities:          
Agency   52,297      52,297 
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations   3,776      3,776 
Non-agency residential   405  398    803 
Commercial   18,819      18,819 
Non-U.S. securities   12,283  10    12,293 
Other taxable securities   2,560  73    2,633 
Tax-exempt securities   15,559  53    15,612 
Total AFS debt securities 168,030  106,794  534    275,358 
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 276        276 
Non-agency residential MBS   411  296    707 
Non-U.S. and other securities
3,851  5,185      9,036 
Total other debt securities carried at fair value 4,127  5,596  296    10,019 
Loans and leases   6,848  718    7,566 
Loans held-for-sale   3,642  340    3,982 
Other assets (3)
6,659  2,628  1,744    11,031 
Total assets (4)
$ 348,752  $ 742,648  $ 11,275  $ (310,851) $ 791,824 
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices $   $ 542  $   $   $ 542 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
  155,151      155,151 
Trading account liabilities:        
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 20,967  1,105      22,072 
Equity securities 47,035  5,472      52,507 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 17,766  10,511      28,277 
Corporate securities and other   9,350  11    9,361 
Total trading account liabilities 85,768  26,438  11    112,217 
Derivative liabilities 18,341  328,506  6,152  (314,937) 38,062 
Short-term borrowings   4,128      4,128 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 7,471  2,790      10,261 
Long-term debt   27,570  1,126    28,696 
Total liabilities (4)
$ 111,580  $ 545,125  $ 7,289  $ (314,937) $ 349,057 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2)Includes securities with a fair value of $10.8 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Trading account assets also includes certain commodities inventory of $1.6 billion that is accounted for at the lower of cost or net realizable value, which is the current selling price less any costs to sell.
(3)Includes MSRs of $940 million which are classified as Level 3 assets.
(4)Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.37 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.26 percent of total consolidated liabilities.
December 31, 2020
Fair Value Measurements
(Dollars in millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Netting Adjustments (1)
Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments
$ 1,649  $ —  $ —  $ —  $ 1,649 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
—  108,856  —  —  108,856 
Trading account assets:          
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 45,219  3,051  —  —  48,270 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other —  22,817  1,359  —  24,176 
Equity securities 36,372  31,372  227  —  67,971 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 5,753  20,884  354  —  26,991 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed —  21,566  75  —  21,641 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS —  8,440  1,365  —  9,805 
Total trading account assets (2)
87,344  108,130  3,380  —  198,854 
Derivative assets 15,624  416,175  2,751  (387,371) 47,179 
AFS debt securities:          
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 115,266  1,114  —  —  116,380 
Mortgage-backed securities:          
Agency —  61,849  —  —  61,849 
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations —  5,260  —  —  5,260 
Non-agency residential —  631  378  —  1,009 
Commercial —  16,491  —  —  16,491 
Non-U.S. securities —  13,999  18  —  14,017 
Other taxable securities —  2,640  71  —  2,711 
Tax-exempt securities —  16,598  176  —  16,774 
Total AFS debt securities 115,266  118,582  643  —  234,491 
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 93  —  —  —  93 
Non-agency residential MBS —  506  267  —  773 
Non-U.S. and other securities 2,619  8,625  —  —  11,244 
Total other debt securities carried at fair value 2,712  9,131  267  —  12,110 
Loans and leases —  5,964  717  —  6,681 
Loans held-for-sale —  1,349  236  —  1,585 
Other assets (3)
9,898  3,850  1,970  —  15,718 
Total assets (4)
$ 232,493  $ 772,037  $ 9,964  $ (387,371) $ 627,123 
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices $ —  $ 481  $ —  $ —  $ 481 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
—  135,391  —  —  135,391 
Trading account liabilities:        
U.S. Treasury and government agencies 9,425  139  —  —  9,564 
Equity securities 38,189  4,235  —  —  42,424 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 5,853  8,043  —  —  13,896 
Corporate securities and other —  5,420  16  —  5,436 
Total trading account liabilities 53,467  17,837  16  —  71,320 
Derivative liabilities 14,907  412,881  6,219  (388,481) 45,526 
Short-term borrowings —  5,874  —  —  5,874 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 12,297  4,014  —  —  16,311 
Long-term debt —  31,036  1,164  —  32,200 
Total liabilities (5)
$ 80,671  $ 607,514  $ 7,399  $ (388,481) $ 307,103 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2)Includes securities with a fair value of $16.8 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Trading account assets also includes certain commodities inventory of $576 million that is accounted for at the lower of cost or net realizable value, which is the current selling price less any costs to sell.
(3)Includes MSRs of $1.0 billion which are classified as Level 3 assets.
(4)Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.35 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.29 percent of total consolidated liabilities.
Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Unobservable Input Reconciliation
The following tables present a reconciliation of all assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020, including net realized and unrealized gains (losses) included in earnings and accumulated OCI. Transfers into Level 3 occur primarily due
to decreased price observability, and transfers out of Level 3 occur primarily due to increased price observability. Transfers occur on a regular basis for long-term debt instruments due to changes in the impact of unobservable inputs on the value of the embedded derivative in relation to the instrument as a whole.
Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
July 1
Realized/Unrealized Gains
 (Losses) in Net
 Income (2)
in OCI
Gross Gross
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions) Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements
Three Months Ended September 30, 2021
Trading account assets:              
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,764  $ (2) $   $ 89  $ (43) $   $ (118) $ 239  $ (295) $ 1,634  $ (20)
Equity securities 260  (2)   18  (11)     20  (76) 209  (2)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 414  4  (26) 16      (9)     399  4 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS 1,498  (43)   97  (89)   (61) 180  (8) 1,574  (41)
Total trading account assets 3,936  (43) (26) 220  (143)   (188) 439  (379) 3,816  (59)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,884) 564    124  (168)   23  173  (157) (2,325) 512 
AFS debt securities:                    
Non-agency residential MBS 205  (1) (2)       (12) 208    398  (4)
Non-U.S. securities 11  (3)         2      10   
Other taxable securities 74    (1)             73   
Tax-exempt securities 51  2                53  2 
Total AFS debt securities 341  (2) (3)       (10) 208    534  (2)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
281  (2)         (9) 26    296  (2)
Loans and leases (5,6)
857  (59)         (67)   (13) 718  (59)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
263  13  (7) 94  (1)   (22)     340  10 
Other assets (6,7)
1,775  15  (6) 1  1  51  (95) 2    1,744  49 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(17) 6                (11) (1)
Long-term debt (5)
(1,060) (65) 2      (9) 30  (25) 1  (1,126) (65)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2020
Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,548  $ (20) $ —  $ —  $ (49) $ —  $ (91) $ 136  $ (54) $ 1,470  $ (34)
Equity securities 194  —  (3) —  —  (3) 207 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 248  (6) (2) —  (1) 83  (40) 290 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS 1,736  —  36  (108) 11  (12) 167  (62) 1,770  10 
Total trading account assets 3,726  (3) (6) 41  (162) 11  (104) 393  (159) 3,737  (15)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(3,343) 228  —  39  (177) —  (58) (223) (3,531) 196 
AFS debt securities:              
Non-agency residential MBS 462  —  —  —  —  (10) 25  (42) 440  — 
Non-U.S. securities —  —  —  —  —  (1) 10  —  14  — 
Other taxable securities 65  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  68  — 
Tax-exempt securities 337  15  —  —  —  —  (167) —  (5) 180  15 
Total AFS debt securities 869  15  —  —  (178) 35  (47) 702  15 
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
449  18  —  —  —  —  (11) —  458  17 
Loans and leases (5,6)
741  (2) —  —  (25) —  (89) —  —  625  (5)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
970  (7) (2) —  (25) —  (14) —  —  922  (10)
Other assets (6,7)
1,911  25  —  53  (121) —  —  1,875 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(1) —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  (1) — 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(16) —  —  (2) —  —  —  —  (16) — 
Long-term debt (5)
(956) (50) (10) —  —  —  46  —  —  (970) (50)
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - predominantly market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - market making and similar activities and other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other assets - primarily market making and similar activities and other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option.  Amounts include net unrealized losses of $38 million and $8 million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.8 billion and $2.5 billion and derivative liabilities of $6.2 billion and $6.0 billion at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.
Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
January 1
Total Realized/Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net
Income (2)
in OCI
Gross Gross
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions)
Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021
Trading account assets:              
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,359  $ 23  $   $ 515  $ (300) $   $ (251) $ 697  $ (409) $ 1,634  $ (42)
Equity securities
227  20    71  (60)     98  (147) 209  (17)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt
354  24  (14) 18      (9) 26    399  27 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS
1,440  (4)   344  (584) 1  (125) 624  (122) 1,574  (65)
Total trading account assets 3,380  63  (14) 948  (944) 1  (385) 1,445  (678) 3,816  (97)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(3,468) 855    473  (517)   206  (18) 144  (2,325) 579 
AFS debt securities:                    
Non-agency residential MBS 378  (16) (96)       (37) 244  (75) 398  (7)
Non-U.S. securities
18  (4)         (4)     10   
Other taxable securities
71    (6) 8            73   
Tax-exempt securities 176  19              (142) 53  18 
Total AFS debt securities 643  (1) (102) 8      (41) 244  (217) 534  11 
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
267            (29) 58    296   
Loans and leases (5,6)
717  45        70  (147) 46  (13) 718  52 
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
236  17  (4) 132  (1)   (62) 26  (4) 340  40 
Other assets (6,7)
1,970  36  2  56  (144) 115  (300) 9    1,744  92 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(16) 6        (1)       (11)  
Long-term debt (5)
(1,164) (83) 4  2    (11) 67  (57) 116  (1,126) (54)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
Trading account assets:          
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,507  $ (150) $ (1) $ 280  $ (181) $ $ (165) $ 520  $ (348) $ 1,470  $ (128)
Equity securities 239  (17) —  33  (37) —  —  32  (43) 207  (20)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 482  35  (69) 76  (61) —  (20) 100  (253) 290  33 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS
1,553  (145) (3) 502  (582) 11  (52) 659  (173) 1,770  (135)
Total trading account assets 3,781  (277) (73) 891  (861) 19  (237) 1,311  (817) 3,737  (250)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,538) 111  —  216  (558) —  (224) (273) (265) (3,531) (356)
AFS debt securities:              
Non-agency residential MBS 424  (5) (4) 23  —  —  (32) 158  (124) 440  (5)
Non-U.S. securities —  —  —  (1) —  (1) 14  —  14  — 
Other taxable securities 65  —  —  (4) —  —  —  68  — 
Tax-exempt securities 108  (19) —  —  —  (167) 265  (10) 180  (18)
Total AFS debt securities 599  (24) (1) 29  (5) —  (200) 438  (134) 702  (23)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
299  12  —  —  —  —  (19) 178  (12) 458  (12)
Loans and leases (5,6)
693  (74) —  32  (26) 22  (120) 98  —  625  (61)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
375  (7) (35) —  (106) 691  (89) 93  —  922  (19)
Other assets (6,7)
2,360  (294) (11) —  206  (391) (2) 1,875  (373)
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(2) —  —  —  —  —  —  —  (1)
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(15) —  (7) (2) —  —  —  (16) — 
Long-term debt (5)
(1,149) 50  —  (45) 201  (52) 12  (970) (10)
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - predominantly market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - market making and similar activities and other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other assets - primarily market making and similar activities and other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option. Amounts include net unrealized losses of $45 million and $47 million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.8 billion and $2.5 billion and derivative liabilities of $6.2 billion and $6.0 billion at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.
Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Unobservable Input Reconciliation
The following tables present a reconciliation of all assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020, including net realized and unrealized gains (losses) included in earnings and accumulated OCI. Transfers into Level 3 occur primarily due
to decreased price observability, and transfers out of Level 3 occur primarily due to increased price observability. Transfers occur on a regular basis for long-term debt instruments due to changes in the impact of unobservable inputs on the value of the embedded derivative in relation to the instrument as a whole.
Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
July 1
Realized/Unrealized Gains
 (Losses) in Net
 Income (2)
in OCI
Gross Gross
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions) Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements
Three Months Ended September 30, 2021
Trading account assets:              
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,764  $ (2) $   $ 89  $ (43) $   $ (118) $ 239  $ (295) $ 1,634  $ (20)
Equity securities 260  (2)   18  (11)     20  (76) 209  (2)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 414  4  (26) 16      (9)     399  4 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS 1,498  (43)   97  (89)   (61) 180  (8) 1,574  (41)
Total trading account assets 3,936  (43) (26) 220  (143)   (188) 439  (379) 3,816  (59)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,884) 564    124  (168)   23  173  (157) (2,325) 512 
AFS debt securities:                    
Non-agency residential MBS 205  (1) (2)       (12) 208    398  (4)
Non-U.S. securities 11  (3)         2      10   
Other taxable securities 74    (1)             73   
Tax-exempt securities 51  2                53  2 
Total AFS debt securities 341  (2) (3)       (10) 208    534  (2)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
281  (2)         (9) 26    296  (2)
Loans and leases (5,6)
857  (59)         (67)   (13) 718  (59)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
263  13  (7) 94  (1)   (22)     340  10 
Other assets (6,7)
1,775  15  (6) 1  1  51  (95) 2    1,744  49 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(17) 6                (11) (1)
Long-term debt (5)
(1,060) (65) 2      (9) 30  (25) 1  (1,126) (65)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2020
Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,548  $ (20) $ —  $ —  $ (49) $ —  $ (91) $ 136  $ (54) $ 1,470  $ (34)
Equity securities 194  —  (3) —  —  (3) 207 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 248  (6) (2) —  (1) 83  (40) 290 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS 1,736  —  36  (108) 11  (12) 167  (62) 1,770  10 
Total trading account assets 3,726  (3) (6) 41  (162) 11  (104) 393  (159) 3,737  (15)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(3,343) 228  —  39  (177) —  (58) (223) (3,531) 196 
AFS debt securities:              
Non-agency residential MBS 462  —  —  —  —  (10) 25  (42) 440  — 
Non-U.S. securities —  —  —  —  —  (1) 10  —  14  — 
Other taxable securities 65  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  68  — 
Tax-exempt securities 337  15  —  —  —  —  (167) —  (5) 180  15 
Total AFS debt securities 869  15  —  —  (178) 35  (47) 702  15 
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
449  18  —  —  —  —  (11) —  458  17 
Loans and leases (5,6)
741  (2) —  —  (25) —  (89) —  —  625  (5)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
970  (7) (2) —  (25) —  (14) —  —  922  (10)
Other assets (6,7)
1,911  25  —  53  (121) —  —  1,875 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(1) —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  (1) — 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(16) —  —  (2) —  —  —  —  (16) — 
Long-term debt (5)
(956) (50) (10) —  —  —  46  —  —  (970) (50)
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - predominantly market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - market making and similar activities and other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other assets - primarily market making and similar activities and other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option.  Amounts include net unrealized losses of $38 million and $8 million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.8 billion and $2.5 billion and derivative liabilities of $6.2 billion and $6.0 billion at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.
Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
January 1
Total Realized/Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net
Income (2)
in OCI
Gross Gross
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions)
Purchases Sales Issuances Settlements
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021
Trading account assets:              
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,359  $ 23  $   $ 515  $ (300) $   $ (251) $ 697  $ (409) $ 1,634  $ (42)
Equity securities
227  20    71  (60)     98  (147) 209  (17)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt
354  24  (14) 18      (9) 26    399  27 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS
1,440  (4)   344  (584) 1  (125) 624  (122) 1,574  (65)
Total trading account assets 3,380  63  (14) 948  (944) 1  (385) 1,445  (678) 3,816  (97)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(3,468) 855    473  (517)   206  (18) 144  (2,325) 579 
AFS debt securities:                    
Non-agency residential MBS 378  (16) (96)       (37) 244  (75) 398  (7)
Non-U.S. securities
18  (4)         (4)     10   
Other taxable securities
71    (6) 8            73   
Tax-exempt securities 176  19              (142) 53  18 
Total AFS debt securities 643  (1) (102) 8      (41) 244  (217) 534  11 
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
267            (29) 58    296   
Loans and leases (5,6)
717  45        70  (147) 46  (13) 718  52 
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
236  17  (4) 132  (1)   (62) 26  (4) 340  40 
Other assets (6,7)
1,970  36  2  56  (144) 115  (300) 9    1,744  92 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(16) 6        (1)       (11)  
Long-term debt (5)
(1,164) (83) 4  2    (11) 67  (57) 116  (1,126) (54)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
Trading account assets:          
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$ 1,507  $ (150) $ (1) $ 280  $ (181) $ $ (165) $ 520  $ (348) $ 1,470  $ (128)
Equity securities 239  (17) —  33  (37) —  —  32  (43) 207  (20)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt 482  35  (69) 76  (61) —  (20) 100  (253) 290  33 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS
1,553  (145) (3) 502  (582) 11  (52) 659  (173) 1,770  (135)
Total trading account assets 3,781  (277) (73) 891  (861) 19  (237) 1,311  (817) 3,737  (250)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,538) 111  —  216  (558) —  (224) (273) (265) (3,531) (356)
AFS debt securities:              
Non-agency residential MBS 424  (5) (4) 23  —  —  (32) 158  (124) 440  (5)
Non-U.S. securities —  —  —  (1) —  (1) 14  —  14  — 
Other taxable securities 65  —  —  (4) —  —  —  68  — 
Tax-exempt securities 108  (19) —  —  —  (167) 265  (10) 180  (18)
Total AFS debt securities 599  (24) (1) 29  (5) —  (200) 438  (134) 702  (23)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
299  12  —  —  —  —  (19) 178  (12) 458  (12)
Loans and leases (5,6)
693  (74) —  32  (26) 22  (120) 98  —  625  (61)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
375  (7) (35) —  (106) 691  (89) 93  —  922  (19)
Other assets (6,7)
2,360  (294) (11) —  206  (391) (2) 1,875  (373)
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(2) —  —  —  —  —  —  —  (1)
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(15) —  (7) (2) —  —  —  (16) — 
Long-term debt (5)
(1,149) 50  —  (45) 201  (52) 12  (970) (10)
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - predominantly market making and similar activities; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - market making and similar activities and other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other assets - primarily market making and similar activities and other income related to MSRs; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option. Amounts include net unrealized losses of $45 million and $47 million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.8 billion and $2.5 billion and derivative liabilities of $6.2 billion and $6.0 billion at September 30, 2021 and 2020.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.
Fair Value Measurement Inputs and Valuation Techniques
The following tables present information about significant unobservable inputs related to the Corporation’s material categories of Level 3 financial assets and liabilities at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020.
Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements at September 30, 2021
(Dollars in millions) Inputs
Financial Instrument Fair
Significant Unobservable
Ranges of
Weighted Average (1)
Loans and Securities (2)
Instruments backed by residential real estate assets $ 1,359  Discounted cash flow, Market comparables Yield
0% to 25%
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS