Brian T. Moynihan
Chair of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer,
Bank of America Corporation
Age: 65 Director since: January 2010
Under his leadership, the company provides core financial services to three client groups through our eight lines of business. This has delivered record earnings and significant capital return to shareholders. Mr. Moynihan has demonstrated leadership qualities, management capability, knowledge of our business and industry, and a long-term strategic perspective. In addition, he has many years of international and domestic financial services experience, including wholesale and retail businesses.
Professional highlights:
- Appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of Bank of America Corporation in October 2014 and President and Chief Executive Officer in January 2010. Prior to becoming Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Moynihan led each of the company’s operating units
- Member (and prior Chair) of the Board of Directors of Bank Policy Institute (Chair of the Global Regulatory Policy Committee)
- Member (and prior Chair) of Financial Services Forum • Chair of the Supervisory Board of The Clearing House Association L.L.C.
- Member of Business Roundtable
- Member (and prior Chairman) of the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (Chair of Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Initiative)
- Past Chair of the Board of The U.S. Council on Competitiveness
- Chair of the Sustainable Markets Initiative
Other leadership experience and service:
- Chancellor (Chair) and current member of Board of Fellows of Brown University
- Member of Advisory Council of Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture
- Member of Charlotte Executive Leadership Council
- Chair of Massachusetts Competitive Partnership
Other U.S.-listed company boards:
- N/A